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Currently, you have to create 4 copies of every basic document template

For every customer we set up, at the moment we have to create 4 copies of every basic word or email template. If this isnt bad enough - try explaining that to a customer who is setting the system up for themselves, or adding a new document templat...
Andrew Ardron about 6 years ago in  0 Shipped

There's no way to refresh dashboards (unlike every other screen in the system)

In this video you can see that: a) I can refresh tasks list on dashboard ... but not any of the tiles b) on a division (or any other window) I can refresh all components on the screen ... but not on dashboards.
Andrew Ardron about 6 years ago in  0 Shipped

Incorrect items in help dropdown

I this video you see the help drop down options: a) we are not continuing with Walkme so we need to remove that. b) the ideas takes you to the old ideas portal - and you can see that s...
Andrew Ardron about 6 years ago in  0 Shipped

Link to Unleashed order

When a quote is converted to an order in unleashed, we should provide a hyperlink to that order in unleashed so that the user can jump direct over to unleashed & process the order immediately - (maybe the same for xero)
Stuart McLaren about 6 years ago in  0 Shipped

Add title to reports menu

Speaking with people who are new to the CRM and from my experience when first using it, it is a little confusing having the reports menu on the left side. It's fairly common on the web/native apps to have the primary menu for searching/navigation ...
Guest over 6 years ago in  0 Shipped

Tweaks to notepad

There are a small set of tweaks that could be made to the activity list functionality that would make it look and function a lot better: Increase size and padding of action icons e.g. spanner, important and pinned (separate item already logged fo...
Dan Bryant over 6 years ago in  0 Shipped

Configuration option

when configuring pipelines, templates etc the only way of doing this is to start creating a new Opportunity... it seems logical to have an option on the CRM to configure these without going into a new record
Guest over 6 years ago in  1 Shipped

Add delete to Bulk Actions for Quote lines

In quote lines view i can delete lines one at a time, but i cannot delete 5 or 10 or more in one go. See video I'd like to be able to select a number of lines, possibly all, and dele...
Andrew Ardron over 6 years ago in  0 Shipped

Operating Company is confusing concept, and uncessary when you only have one

In a lot of screens, especially creation screens (create division, create order), the Operating Company drop down appears for 95% customers with only one value ever being valid or offered... which is pointless, requires an extra click or tab, and ...
Andrew Ardron over 6 years ago in  0 Shipped

Add product details Popout panel to quote full product search,

Add other product details info that customer frequently want, and in v6 was in the tabs when you did a product search for a quote. Things like Internal notes, stock availability, product image, and other product details were really useful to see w...
Andrew Ardron over 6 years ago in  0 Shipped