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Showing 427

Tagging via Bulk Update

It would be useful to be able to perform bulk updates at contact level in order to add or amend existing tags assigned
Guest about 4 years ago in CRM App 6 Shipped

Add version tracking to document template storage

If you update a document template and save over it, that previous version cannot be retrieved. We can enhance this by using version tracking and keeping previous versions for a short length of time so we can retrieve these if a mistake has been ma...
Guest almost 2 years ago in CRM App 2 Shipped

Customiser Interface to customise New Record Windows

A customer would like to log the idea to have an interface similar to the record customiser to customise the New Record view such as the new opportunity window. Ideally you would be able to add fields to this & be able to edit existing fields.
Guest over 6 years ago in  6 Shipped

Email Delivery and Open status visible in CRM

I think that it would be really useful to be able to see the processed/delivered/opened status (date and time) for any email documents generated from the CRM. The send grid service does store this information and I think that all we should need to...
Guest over 6 years ago in  2 Shipped

Using Additional Email for a contact when Main Email is blank

Currently if you send an email from within the system we add the email against the contact to the to box. Currently if the email box is blank it leaves the to box blank. I think we should log an idea that if the main email is blank it then goes an...
Guest over 4 years ago in CRM App 4 Shipped

Ability to change product within equipment

currently you cannot change the product once a piece of equipment has been created, the only way is to delete and create a new piece of equipment, losing all history of that piece of equipment. (unless manually moving it across which is time consu...
Guest almost 4 years ago in CRM App 2 Shipped

Mark multiple contacts as 'Left Company' using Bulk Action

You can currently 'Change Parent', 'Update Fields' or 'Delete'. It would be very useful to mark multiple contacts as having left using this method, rather than having to go into each individual record.
Guest over 4 years ago in CRM App 1 Shipped

Ability to filter notes/activities by user, user group or activity type

We would like our credit managers or other groups of users to add specific notes within the CRM. They will use problems but also add general notes. We would like to be able to segregate/filter those notes from other departments without having to t...
Guest almost 6 years ago in  4 Shipped

Ability to edit your own notepad entries, but not those of other users

There is a system option to control whether users can edit notepad entries. with options for Yes/No/Admin-only. But, what would make the most sense is an option that allows users to only edit their own - not only should we offer this option, but i...
Andrew Ardron about 6 years ago in  7 Shipped

Export tags as a comma separated list

Currently Tags cannot be exported in a report from the CRM due to the One-To-Many relationship. We should add functionality to handle this and export it as one field, with a list of Tags as a comma or slash separated list.
Guest over 1 year ago in CRM App 0 Shipped