The quote screen should have the ability to include quantity price breaks, ie 20 kg, @ $45, 40kg @$35, and this information should flow through to unleashed into their quantity pricing fields
Stock value for "Sales Orders" in CRM with Access Dimensions
When integrating with Access Dimensions the Stock value for "Sales Orders" is linked to the Allocated stock on sales orders and ignores the quantities that are on sales orders that are unallocated. My suggestion is that another field is introduced...
Display Unit Price After Discount in Sales Transaction Entity
A customer would like to report on average price but is unable to using the sales transaction entity because the Unit Price is the original price not price minus discount. Also the Base Line Value is the price after discount times by quantity so y...
Ability to move reports to different report sections (i.e. People and Places, Sales etc.)
When creating reports you can choose which report section you want the report to be shared within (i.e. if you go to Sales and then select Add Report and share it, it get saved in that section)
However, it would be useful if when creating a report...
Integrate CRM Company Phone numbers over into Mailchimp
The integration between CRM and Mailchimp should automatically include the Company Phone Numbers and any DD (Direct Dial) numbers. The reason for this is that you are able to 'share' the Mailchimp reports on any Prospect campaigns to other colleag...
As a sales rep that is no way to easily view if a discount has been processed against an order. It would be really helpful to be able to view this easily. We accept wine orders for CoLab Wine Merchants and it currently takes a manual calculation t...
I have a team of people who support me with solving issues - I would prefer if we could work on CRM support tickets together and also so they can see previous questions and solutions. The Access ticketing portal allows this and you can choose who ...
Often I would like to add instructions or notes into the Customisable Groups to explain the information within that Group. I can't see a way to just put a label as it all needs to be based on an existing field. Also the facility to insert a line b...
Option to autocalculate opportunity value based on last edited quote
We added a new auto calculate option for opportunity value field so users who do multiple quotes under a opportunity don't have their opportunity value skewed by adding up all the quotes underneath. Therefore, the user can turn off the auto-calcul...