Sales Person Notification when one of their customers places an order
Notification sent to the sales person (either within the app or on an email) of when their customers place an order - this would mean that they know when they receive orders without manually having to be told.
Users can now subscribe to notifications of "New Orders". They can choose to received daily/weekly/monthly summaries, and can also filter this to only their customers (ie, orders for customers where they are assigned as the customer's account manager)
Via the "Personal Settings" and "Notifications" page, configure the "New Orders" notification:
Users can now subscribe to notifications of "New Orders". They can choose to received daily/weekly/monthly summaries, and can also filter this to only their customers (ie, orders for customers where they are assigned as the customer's account manager)
Via the "Personal Settings" and "Notifications" page, configure the "New Orders" notification: